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Join the Creative Spaces Class of 2024

The Creative Spaces Project is looking for three new recruits to join its programme for 2024.

This is a paid opportunity for young creatives aged between 16 and 30, to join The Stove team on a part-time basis, for a fixed period of 10 months.


Fee: £672 per month (For each successful candidate)

Hours: Part-time, two days per week (14 hours)

Duration: 10 months, fixed term (Successful applicants will begin their contract on the week beginning 29th July, 2024.)

Contract Type: Freelance

Criteria: Applicants must be aged between 16-30 and have some form of creative practice, project or idea you would like to develop.

Deadline for applications: Monday 1st July at 12 noon

Based at The Stove Network in Dumfries, Creative Spaces works with young creatives from across the region providing a stepping stone into the arts and the world of being a creative freelancer.

Every year, Creative Spaces recruits three ‘Associate Artists’ t o complete a 10-month creative development programme where you will learn t o grow your creative interests, work with the Creative Spaces Team on various projects & events, and with guidance, will learn to develop your own personal project*.

Creative Spaces aims to build up and support Dumfries & Galloway’s creative scene. We d o this through putting o n events, hosting workshops, offering mentorships, and providing learning opportunities and networking connections to help people build their skills as creatives.

These opportunities aren’t just for people already working in the creative sector and you don’t have t o be an ‘established artist’, have a degree or previous experience to apply.

The Creative Spaces programme is designed to offer you the chance to explore the creative industries and try and find your



  • Good written and verbal communication skills
  • IT and media skills (e.g. using emails, word etc)
  • Interest and/or experience in t h e creative industries and community work Interest and / or experience in working with other people
  • Ability to self-manage your own workflow


  • Adaptable
  • Engaging
  • Creative


  • Time commitments will include a combination of regular hours (to be determined by team availability) and some flexible working across projects (evenings, weekend work).
  • You’ll be required to attend weekly meetings and take part in project development and delivery of work across our programme:
  • 1 x Fixed day per week based in The Stove (either on Tuesday or Thursday)
  • 1x Flexible day per week (either working from home or in The Stove)
  • Weekly Creative Spaces meetings with Creative Spaces Producer Weekly Projects meeting (With the full StoveTeam)


Deadline for applications: Monday 1st July at 12 noon

Please submit your application by email to [email protected] (max file size of 10MB) with the heading Creative Spaces – Associate

Feel free to be creative with your application. We’ll accept any of the following formats, but please remember to let us know:

  • Why do you think joining the Creative Spaces programme will benefit you?
  • Why do you think now is the right time to apply to this programme?
  • What do you hope to achieve?
  • Please include brief details surrounding a project you would like to pursue as part of Creative Spaces (this could be a series of workshops, an event or any other creative output).*

*Please note that this idea is just so we can understand the kind of areas you may be interested in and any projects you wish to pursue. This is not a final idea that you have to take forward.


We’ll accept any of the following formats:

  • Covering Letter (no more than 500 words)
  • Video (no more than 3 mins)
  • Image pack or portfolio (10MB or less)
  • Voice note

Just make sure that you include a CV or text sheet with your name, contact details and a few examples of recent work (this could be images, videos or write-ups).

It’s important that our people reflect and represent the diversity of the communities and audiences we serve. We welcome and value difference, so when we say we’re for everyone, we want everyone to be welcome in our teams too. Wherever you’re from, and whatever your background, we want to hear from you.

Musings News

Thoughts on the launch of WWDN

Heather Taylor is a writer, storyteller and creative practitioner specialising in multi-sensory creative and performance practice, inclusion and accessibility, and is a member of The Stove’s board of Trustees. She recently attended the launch of WWDN, a creative placemaking network, and shares her thoughts and hopes for its future success. Read her blog below:

Image credit – Kirstin McEwan Photography

WWDN – A place for everyone

By Heather Taylor

Hey All!

I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying the sunshine we have started to get – let’s hope that’s not the start and end of it!

I just had to share my excitement about a fantastic event I attended recently.

On the 9th of May, The Stove Network launched something truly special at the Catstrand in New Galloway. It was the kick-off for the ‘What We Do Now’ (WWDN) network, and let me tell you, the energy in the room was wonderful!

As a member of the Board of Trustees, with a deep passion for accessibility and inclusion in community development and the creative arts, this initiative holds a special place in my heart.

The WWDN network has been in the works for the past couple of years, and seeing it now, and anticipating its future, is beyond thrilling.

Image credit – Kirstin McEwan Photography

The journey began with a highly successful pilot program where creatives collaborated with six hub organisations across the region.

The results were inspiring, showcasing the transformative power of creative placemaking in our communities.

Now comes the next phase of this incredible journey. The launch event was a testament to the dedication and hard work of everyone involved.

What truly warmed my heart was the level of thought and consideration that went into ensuring the event was inclusive and that everyone felt comfortable in the space and most importantly – valued.

Image credit – Kirstin McEwan Photography

On a more personal note, I must admit that there are times when I question my place in both the trustee board and the creative community.

Like many others, I often grapple with imposter syndrome, wondering if I truly belong in these spaces. However, what truly struck me during the WWDN launch event was the undeniable sense of inclusivity and openness.

It became clear to me that there is indeed a place for everyone within this network. What’s even more remarkable is the opportunity it presents to dive in and make it your own.

I have mentioned already in this post my appreciation of those involved, however, I would like again to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has been involved in bringing the WWDN network to life.

From the dedicated individuals behind the scenes to the creative practitioners who lend their talents, each and every one of you has played a vital role in shaping this initiative into what it is today.

A special shoutout goes to the incredible Stove team, whose unwavering dedication and boundless enthusiasm serve as a constant inspiration to me and countless others. Your passion for community development and the arts is truly infectious, and I feel privileged to be a part of this journey alongside you all.

Thank you for everything you do!

The launch of the WWDN network marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter in our journey towards a more inclusive and vibrant creative landscape. I can’t wait to see what we’ll achieve together!

If you are interested in find out more about WWDN and how you can get involved in the creative placemaking network, head on over to the WWDN website here.

Musings News

Homemade Hope – A Blog

a screen displaying the words, what gives you hope
What Gives You Hope? From the Gaither Inn – Image Credit: Erin Aitchison

Artistic Director, Martin O’Neill has spent almost a decade creating, developing, collaborating on and championing some of the brightest creative ideas to come out of our town through his work with The Stove. All of which have been co-created with for and by our local people. However, at a time where so much uncertainty looms over all of us, not just in the creative sector, we challenged Martin to reflect on the last year, and asked him; “What gives you hope?

Homemade Hope

By Martin O’Neill – Artistic Director

The last few years… they haven’t exactly been a fairground, have they?

Each New Year, the promise of better unfurls like a golden ticket. Although initially adorned with fine intents, clear plans, and a bright outlook… it gradually reveals itself to be more akin to Glasgow’s Willy Wonka experience – complete with gloomy Oompa Loompas, bargain bucket backdrops, and a quarter cup of lemonade. Happy New Year folks!

So it’s forgivable, when asked ‘what gives you hope?’, to re-coil and grimace given the last few years.

Hope is not often a word we hear in the news. Its closest relative ‘resilience’ is banded around in party political slogans; spun and doctored till they’ve lost much of whatever profundity they were meant to stand for. ‘Resilience’ now appears before us akin to a Frankenstein’s monster. Its made up of all the different parts, and looks about right – but there’s no soul about it. The word has been so chewed up by billionaires and politicians it’s been rendered tasteless. But this isn’t a blog about billionaires. I’ll save that one for another day.

With that said in many ways, there’s hope for… hope.

But hope encompasses more than its definition suggests; ‘a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen.’

Across various scientific disciplines worldwide, entire factions have dedicated to study hope. From neurology to social science and economics, the study of this hard-to-put-into-words feeling is uncovering stuff that may well determine the future of our world and us in it. Hope’s significance extends from longevity and survival to happiness and humanitarianism. It’s becoming a key factor in determining an individual’s happiness and resilience, making waves in our understanding of mental illness. Moreover, its impact on fostering progressive and healthy communities is increasingly recognised.

So I’d like to take you on a little voyage through hope as I see it – the places where it thrives and the people that nourish from it. From Stove-led projects to the quiet things we’re up to no one really hears about, and to others in D&G, working their way day-by-day to what some might call utopia ‘Dumfrutopia’?!

Homemade Mutant Hope Machines

What a title!

In February, during the Stove’s annual general meeting, we welcomed researcher, artist, and all round ruddy guid guy ‘Dr. Duckie‘ (also known as Dr. Ben Walters) to discuss his PhD research. Titled ‘Homemade Mutant Hope Machines’, Ben’s research was completed with the queer performance collective ‘Duckie‘ from Vauxhall, London.

Duckie is a pioneering LGBTQ club collective born in Vauxhall, London 25 years ago. Known for its eclectic mix of music, artful stage performances, and inclusive atmosphere, Duckie has evolved from late-night revelry to a respected arts organisation. Their portfolio includes award-winning shows like ‘C’est Duckie!’, immersive experiences like Lullaby and The Class Club, and a vibrant LGBTQ history program. Beyond their core community, Duckie extends its reach with socially engaged projects targeting diverse audiences, supported by Arts Council and National Lottery funding. With a dedicated team and a host of collaborators, Duckie hosts over 130 events and workshops annually, always aiming to blend fun with creativity.

‘From 2014-2018, Ben did a PhD about Duckie’s work and coined the concept Homemade Mutant Hope Machines – a way of describing how people without much clout can start to build better worlds on their own terms.’

“Homegrown Mutant Hope Machines” broadly describes emergent, autonomous, and adaptive forms and processes that consistently cultivate hope for a better world, especially for marginalised populations. This title encompasses community groups, art projects, and organisations dedicated to enabling and empowering people. This is successfully done trough a values-driven approach centred on possibility, hope, and utopia.

In my own little world, hope took hold as the characteristic of not only our past, present and future projects here at the Stove, both now and then and yet to come, but that of nearly countless other groups and people across D&G.

A Manifesto of Homegrown Hope

In January, we launched the inaugural Gaither Inn event. It marked the beginning of a ongoing, dynamic series of gatherings designed to kick-start new ideas and possibilities for our town. The Gaither Inn also featured a mair than plentiful spread of haggis, neeps and tatties in honour of the Bard. With each course of food, a question accompanied, dividing the evening into three chapters. These were:

  • What gives you hope?
  • What are the ingredients of a space to nurture hope?
  • How do we achieve this together?

Invited to speak with their neighbours, everyone discussed these questions and worked towards creating a ‘Manifesto of Homegrown Hope’. Notes upon notes of handwriting from our ‘punters in residence’, (that would rival that of a chain-smoking Doctor in the 1970’s), combined with a sprinkling of poetic license, resulted in the following manifesto…

The Manifesto of Homegrown Hope

Manifesto of Homegrown Hope - developed by the attendees of The Stive Network's Gaither Inn.

Of all the captivating headlines here, one stood out to me the most, ‘Vision & Visibility’.

History reminds us that significant change seldom occurs in obscurity. It is not typically driven by the majority or the zeitgeist of the masses, but rather by the vision of a determined few. So the notion of ‘embracing darkness’ to light the way forward is precisely where creativity, coupled with community, ought to exist. This is where the adaptive and autonomous nature of hope machines thrives: not in prescribing bold and concrete answers for the future, but in posing questions and consistently caring in their efforts toward an as-yet unwritten future.

Questions open the door to the future and are more powerful than answers in that they demand engagement. Engagement in the right questions is what creates accountability. How we frame the questions is decisive. They need to be ambiguous, personal, and stressful.

Peter Block

With that in mind, let me introduce you to a selection of Homemade Mutant Hope Machines. Some we’ve directly supported, others we’ve stood beside as allies, and a few have even sparked our own inspiration.

While there are countless inspiring projects happening across D&G, I’ll focus on those we’ve recently engaged with. Here is a glimpse into the ongoing work and the individuals driving us onward.

The Art Cabin: LIFT

Proposed by artists Alice Francis and Rosie Giblin, the Art Cabin is on the verge of becoming a reality. The project began back in 2021 during the initial phase of the What We Do Now project. Nestled in Dunlop Road, it will serve as a communal space for collective creativity. Above all, the word that epitomises the Art Cabin is “persistence.”

Persistence in the belief that it is the right thing to do. In chasing that one guy who does that one thing. Persistence in getting that one thing done so the other seven hundred things move to get the cabin open.

The Stove’s Operations Director, Graham Rooney, led the charge, and made it happen. The Art Cabin will be launching later in the year thanks to Creative Scotland funding. Achieved in part by the remarkable Morgan Love, a Creative Spaces alumni and LIFT team member.



Liz, a retired Macmillan nurse turned community pioneer, has spearheaded Doughlicious for several years. She has fostered a sense of camaraderie through the shared joy of making delicious sourdough together.

Her dedication extends to Summerhill. Liz volunteers her time to offer free, locally sourced, organic, homemade sourdough bread to those in need. She has successfully united the community in promoting homegrown, locally made, healthy alternatives to store-bought bread.

She is a truly remarkable individual who inspires us all every day.

Maya Rose Edwards: ‘Harbour’ Stranraer

Rarely does an artist, especially one so young, embody the principles of socially engaged and community arts as effectively as Maya Rose Edwards.

Throughout their tenure as the Creative Stranraer Waterfront Project artist, Maya’s project ‘Harbour’ has forged connections with the townsfolk in a manner that even the most outgoing individuals would find challenging.

Referring to their process as “making friends” rather than retreating into solitary research and introspection, as many artists do, speaks volumes about Maya’s ethos, which firmly believes in the transformative power of community engagement.

In Stranraer, Maya’s mission has been to foster dialogue, connection, and a shared vision for the town’s waterfront, rooted in its heritage and future aspirations. The culmination of this endeavour was a community festival, ‘Raise The Sails’, that celebrated possibility and imagination, marked by the symbolic act of “raising the sails” for a rejuvenated Stranraer.

Summerhill Community Centre: Anne Marie


If you’ve not heard of Anne Marie then where have you been?! I’ve only had the pleasure of working with Anne Marie recently through our Creative Caerlaverock project. The project worked with the young team at Summerhill to engagee, promote creativity and excitement about the history and future of Caerlaverock Castle as a site of historical significance and burgeoning creative potential. If you haven’t yet seen the ‘Siege of Summerhill’ and the accompanying documentary capturing the work led by Stovie Sal Cuddihy then check it out, if nothing else, it’s a good laugh.

In even a short visit, it’s evident Anne Marie has managed to nurture a caring, supportive and connected space that I feel every community deserves. Or rather, if every community or neighbourhood had an Anne Marie, the future would be good in good hands.

Off The Margin

One of our most recent projects was a deep-dive into the world of grassroots press and radical print. Over the weekend we were joined by journalists, print-makers and artists both local and national – engaging the town in conversations and workshops from investigative journalism with Karin Goodwin of The Ferret to podcasting, print-making and comic books.

What felt remarkably clear was the appetite and desire for Dumfries to re-connect with its vibrant printing heritage and sewed the seeds for exciting future projects in community news and print-based practices.

The hope here lies in the re-establishing of Dumfries as a place where opinion, expression, creativity and colour could once again return to the written and printed word – and away from the divisive and exclusionary worlds of social media. Watch this space.

Creative Spaces

Nothing embodies the essence of a “Homegrown Mutant Hope Machine” quite like Creative Spaces, especially its recent Showcase. Featuring a diverse array of local young creatives and entrepreneurs from across D&G, it was an evening that showcased the remarkable talent and potential of the region’s future leaders.

This initiative, nurtured by The Stove, has flourished over the past decade, evolving from Young Stove to Blueprint100. The work being done, led by the youth of D&G, is truly remarkable – from community projects aiding those in need to vibrant queer activism and artistry.

These young innovators ensure inclusivity in shaping the region’s future, a valuable lesson for us all. Despite the challenges and prevailing narratives of decline often associated with our aging population, these young creatives embrace a forward-thinking mindset. They are inspired by the possibilities of what lies ahead and are actively forging paths forward, even in the face of darkness.

Wild Goose Festival – the Partnership

The Wild Goose Festival is not just about the event itself, but the incredible individuals and organisations behind it. Comprising 24 partners spanning the arts, nature, community, tourism, and wildlife sectors, it serves as a beacon of hope.

In Scotland, there’s often a tendency for organisations to operate in silos, focused solely on their own needs due to financial pressures, policy shifts, and societal challenges stemming from years of government disinvestment. However, the partners of the Wild Goose Festival have committed to collaboration, working together to create a sustainable and vibrant event.

By celebrating our natural ecology and redefining the traditional festival model with a forward-thinking and hopeful perspective, these partners are paving the way for a truly unique festival experience. One where creativity, nature, and community converge to address the pressing issues of our time and inspire positive change.

Oor Hoose

Nothing embodies the spirit of “just do it” quite like Oor Hoose. Founded by Dumfries’ own Madame Jo and Devine Tension, Oor Hoose has provided vital support to young LGBTQ+ creatives and performers, nurturing their talents and empowering them to showcase their skills in the heart of the town centre.

As a gay Doonhamer growing up in the town, if you had told me such a space was going to exist, I would have called you a fantasist. But no, it’s very much a real thing – and it’s truly amazing to see. Now established as a community interest company, Oor Hoose has secured funding from the Hollywood Trust to offer workshops and experiences for young queer artists in D&G. With a Showcase scheduled for May at the Stove Cafe, I’m eager to witness the incredible talents of this remarkable crew.

Musings News

Lessons in Collaboration, Empowerment & Capacity

The Stove recently played host to a visiting artist, Peery Sloan, a multi-disciplinary artist who actively seeks out opportunities to collaborate with other creatives. Reflecting on the practical application of The Stove’s values, finding inspiration in the commitment to continuous learning, growth, and the pursuit of positive change, Peery documented her visit and experience of working with The Stove team. You can read all about it here:

A Month at The Stove:
Lessons in Collaboration, Empowerment, and Capacity

By Peery Sloan

Upon my arrival at The Stove, my curiosity spanned across various facets of the organisation, ranging from structural organisation and team management to the creative processes at the workplace and community impact. I was eager to delve into every aspect. What immediately caught my attention was the remarkable level of attention and dedication exhibited by the team towards their work.

Contrary to my initial assumption that the focus would primarily be on managerial and organisational aspects, I soon realised that the heart of The Stove lay in the individuals comprising the team. The organisation’s tireless functioning, output, and successes relied on the specific roles, unique talents, and unwavering dedication of each team member. This revelation pleasantly surprised me, highlighting the depth of commitment embedded within the team.

This notion particularly resonated with my initial fascination with The Stove, specifically the prospect of reproducibility. The question arose:

In my own small community in dire need of empowerment, could the ethos and methodology of The Stove be reproduced?

The potential for the creative sector to serve as a catalyst for positive change intrigued me, and Kat Wheeler played a pivotal role in elucidating this possibility through her profound belief in creative placemaking. As evident through her massive initiative, What We Do Now, she is devoted to connecting a variety of partners, artists, and organisations to weave themselves into a supportive network.

Creative placemaking, as I came to understand through Kat’s teachings, involves harnessing the power of the creative sector to shape and rejuvenate communities. It goes beyond traditional urban planning, emphasising the role of arts and culture in fostering a sense of place, community identity, and empowerment. The Stove, with its commitment, epitomises creative placemaking in action, demonstrating how artistic endeavours and community engagement can cultivate hope and instigate positive transformations.

Creative placemaking, epitomised by The Stove’s initiatives, emerges as a beacon of hope for communities aspiring to empower themselves. The organisation’s commitment to generating hope, adapting to change, maintaining a routine output, and offering a replicable model showcases its dedication to this transformative approach.

My journey with The Stove not only prompted a personal exploration into applying its principles to my own community but also highlighted the broader significance of creative placemaking as a potent tool for positive social change.

The impact of these efforts is meticulously tracked, documented, and disseminated by the dynamic communications team, led by the adept Kevin Stewart. Kevin, with his sharp wit and lightning-fast mental processing speed, buttresses the entire team in managing the website, shaping the brand, orchestrating social media activities, and ensuring visibility across all channels. His background in corporate marketing enriches the Stove’s approach by providing a big-picture perspective, seamlessly integrating strategic vision with the practical aspects required to convey a clear and accessible message. He has developed an incredible team consisting of resident tech guru Robbie Henderson, Web & Data Manager, Erin Aitchison, social media wiz and Marketing Officer, and Wren Winters, the personable Venue and Digital Coordinator; their lively office reflects the engaging and communicative spirit of the team.

From artist and Chief Executive Officer, Matt Baker, I learned of the journey from art collective to organisation. Initiated by a small artist collective, the expedition commenced when they recognised a prevailing disempowered attitude within the community, characterised by a lack of belief in their ability to make a meaningful impact or claim ownership. In response, the collective devised a straightforward yet impactful solution: reclaiming public spaces. This manifested through events such as bonfires in the square and boat races in the River Nith, serving as visible demonstrations that change and action were not only possible but also attainable. Over the course of a decade, the collective underwent a transformative evolution, solidifying its position as the indispensable community hub, now known as The Stove Cafe, while simultaneously expanding its influence through diverse programming, partnerships, and projects.

Matt’s profound wisdom, derived from his extensive experience as both an artist and the CEO of The Stove, stands as an indispensable pillar supporting the ongoing evolution of the organisation. His influence extends beyond geographical confines, seamlessly traversing regional boundaries and establishing meaningful connections within the realms of both the arts and civic engagement in Scotland. In meetings, Matt assumes a contemplative and non-dogmatic presence, choosing to speak only when the discourse requires the illumination of a critical question that has yet to be addressed. His judicious approach not only reflects a discerning insight but also underscores the strategic importance of his contributions in shaping the organisation’s trajectory.

Examining the organisational systems in place at The Stove Network, it became evident that flexibility was integral to their operations. Graham Rooney, Operations Director, designs and implements systems to make the workflow smoother and more efficient. He recently unveiled a new two-calendar system with a rotating two-week cycle; the approach remained dynamic. Despite the visual complexity of the Google Calendar resembling a pile of oriental carpets, the team actively utilised and reviewed it on a weekly basis, incorporating changes as needed. Graham gathers the feedback, shifts, and changes the structure as necessary. This adaptability was crucial in navigating the evolving landscape of The Stove Network.

One pivotal insight into the organisation’s ethos emerged during a meeting with the What We Do Now team, where “reflection” was identified as a core value. Subsequently, I witnessed this commitment in action when concerns arose about some individuals being overworked. The ensuing discussion transcended the immediate issue, delving into the team’s overall capacity and the organisation’s well-being. The prevailing high-achieving culture, driven by passion, had set demanding standards, resulting in a substantial output that now necessitated a careful evaluation. The discourse was marked by genuine interpersonal concern rather than the resentment and frustration often observed in other grassroots spaces.

The central inquiry revolved around the imperative for immediate changes to foster mutual support and prevent burnout. This contemplation brought forth reflections on the sustainability of maintaining elevated standards, the feasibility of augmenting the team through new hires, and the unavoidable necessity for an upsurge in funding. This, in turn, ignited deliberations on who would shoulder the formidable responsibility of securing such resources.

In the midst of this complex financial landscape, Lindsey Smith, the Finance Director, emerges with a daunting but vital role. She skilfully navigates the intricacies of funding, adeptly managing and tracking finances, and delving into the intricate details associated with budgets and funds. Amidst the genuine concerns surrounding financial matters, Lindsey maintains a surprising calm demeanour. Instead of merely emphasising constraints dictated by the budget, she tirelessly seeks innovative solutions, striving to find a pathway that enables the team to achieve their objectives within the financial parameters. Her approach reflects not only financial acumen but a profound commitment to ensuring that financial considerations do not hinder the team’s pursuit of its goals.

This ongoing dialogue at The Stove Network centers around the concept of capacity, exploring the boundaries of individual endurance and contemplating its application across the entire organisation. This introspection underscores the organisation’s commitment to maintaining a healthy equilibrium between passion-fuelled excellence and pragmatic goal-setting, ensuring sustainable growth and well-being within The Stove community.

Under the guidance of Mia Osborne, the Creative Spaces project nurtures the artistic endeavours of three young talents (Korey Patterson, Martha Ferguson, and Sahar El Hady) over a span of ten months, allowing them to manifest a project of their own choosing. This particular facet of the Stove captivated my admiration, evoking a sense of nostalgia wishing I had been involved in such a dedicated incubation mentorship a decade earlier. Graciously, Mia extended an invitation for me to impart my insights through a workshop.

I settled upon the topic of “How to Write an Artist Statement,” a choice stemming from the perpetual challenge it has posed throughout my artistic journey. Crafting an artist statement is an unavoidable task for a practicing artist, essential for seeking opportunities and advocating for one’s creative identity. The enthusiasm and active participation within the Creative Spaces group proved to be nothing short of infectious. Together, we engaged in dynamic brainstorming sessions, meticulous editing processes, and collaborative workshopping, navigating the intricacies of crafting distinct and compelling artist statements. Through this immersive experience, I bore witness to the core essence of the program – a collaborative space designed to inspire, provoke thought, and actively engage with young artists, all while presenting them with valuable opportunities and enriching experiences.

Another compelling exploration was the first event I attended at The Stove Network, the Gaither Inn.

Designed as a community dinner to foster engaging discussions and craft a manifesto of hope, the evening was skilfully guided by Martin O’Neill. He prompted reflections on the elements instilling hope, the qualities inherent in spaces generating hope, and how to manifest it in the present.

This inquiry led me to the concept of “Homemade Mutant Hope Machines,” introduced by Martin through his association with the revolutionary London queer organisation, Duckie.

These machines, as defined by Duckie, are “emergent, autonomous, and adaptive forms and processes that routinely generate hope in the possibility of better worlds for people on the margins.” Strikingly, it became apparent that The Stove’s programming aligns with the characteristics of a Homemade Mutant Hope Machine – an autonomous creation, adapting when necessary, consistently producing outcomes, and being replicable all while capable of encouraging civic change.

Operating at the intersection of arts and community engagement, The Stove Cafe resides in the heart of Dumfries High Street. Deirdre Rooney and Pam Mackay, Cafe Co-Managers, create an atmosphere of connection through the friendly service and delicious food. It’s common to find the same people day-after-day, a true sign of an inviting and warm space: regulars. However, it’s not just a cafe, a meeting place, or an events venue; it’s a dynamic hub with full and diverse programming.

The team’s commitment to using arts and creativity to revitalise the town center is palpable and extends to a broad audience.

Sal Cuddihy, Production Lead, works tirelessly flipping the space from cafe to bread-making venue, to drag show stage, to movie theatre, to art studio and back again. Under her leadership she mentors and empowers a small team of production workers in gathering the skills to propose, plan, and implement an event of any scale.

What struck me most was the team’s exceptional cooperative spirit. With a core team overseeing specific projects, accountability is woven into the fabric of daily operations. However, what sets The Stove apart is the fluidity of partnership among co-workers and partners. It was a revelation to witness familiar faces in a myriad of meetings throughout the week, highlighting a level of involvement in each other’s projects that goes beyond mere professional courtesy. Often out of necessity, each team member wears many hats and they do it well.

Decisions at The Stove are not made in isolation; they are the result of open discussions and feedback from the staff. Through my interviews, I gathered that the associative decision-making process fosters an environment where each person’s work is valued. In each one-on-one interview, there was an emphasis on the appreciation for co-workers. What’s more surprising is the genuine advisory role that team members play in each other’s projects, even if not directly involved. The willingness to share insights and offer support speaks volumes about the cooperative culture that defines The Stove. More than once, I heard an employee ask for direction on “what to do next,” which in itself reflects a space that values learning, growth, and trust. Not knowing is welcome as it makes space for creative solutions, in which The Stove is well-versed.

Integrated within the weekly workflow is a system of tracking casual moments and highlights. This mechanism not only serves as a celebration of successes but also acts as a collective reminder of the positive impact they’ve had each week. It emphasises the importance of recognising and appreciating the team’s achievements, big and small, contributing to a culture of continuous evolution.

I see this also reflected in the public art showcased in the Cafe. Katie Anderson, Public Art Lead, hung two beautiful shows during my time. The first, a participatory installation that encouraged visitors to drop a token to vote for what they want Dumfries to invest in: outdoor spaces, heritage, the arts, etc… Then it rotated to a round-up of The Stove’s year in preparation for the Annual General Meeting demonstrated in photos, signage, and items made and utilised the year before. It illustrated the dynamic projects The Stove supports from Reel to Reel to the Wild Goose Festival.

The Stove’s dedication to core values such as risk-taking, collaboration, empowerment, positive disruptive change, innovation, and inclusion goes beyond mere articulation; it permeates the organisation’s culture and daily operations. This commitment to fostering a dynamic and inclusive environment serves as a catalyst for creative placemaking, a concept that recognises the transformative power of the arts and culture in shaping and revitalising spaces. The seamless collaboration and empowerment of every team member contribute to a harmonious synergy that propels The Stove towards its visionary goal of a revitalised High Street, region, and nation.

I was truly grateful for the opportunity the team gave me to observe their daily operations. It not only allowed me to develop an inside view of the inner workings, but also left me impressed by the enduring energy each team member brought to their work. However, as much as I relished being a shadow and absorbing insights, I felt a growing desire to contribute actively. It became clear that the daily shadowing was becoming more of a personal benefit than a reciprocal arrangement. In an effort to give back, I conceived a project that symbolises the interwoven essence of The Stove.

My initiative takes shape as a collaborative weaving project, an outdoor endeavour set up outside the Cafe on High Street with the entire team participating. In an effort to mirror the cooperative nature of The Stove we will make a “Stove Tartan” together. The four roles for the weaving symbolise different facets of the organisation. Stabilisers, holding the loom steady, represent the steadfast support and stability provided by teammates at The Stove. Mechanics, responsible for daily operations, embody those who maintain systems and troubleshoot with expertise. Weavers, using creativity to interconnect people, projects, and ideas, reflect an inquisitive and connective nature. Movers, characterised as action-oriented individuals, embody those driving progress and making things happen.

This weaving project not only expresses gratitude but also showcases the diverse and collaborative structure of The Stove. The final result, a large-scale weaving, will be left with The Stove to use as they see fit. This hands-on experience serves as a meaningful contribution and a demonstration of appreciation for the invaluable lessons learned during my time with the team.

Upon contemplation of this enriching experience, I find myself not only appreciative of the chance to observe the intricate operations of The Stove but also inspired to imbibe the invaluable lessons acquired into the fabric of my own community. The Stove’s unwavering commitment to introspection, adaptability, and maintaining a harmonious equilibrium between passion and pragmatism establishes a commendable standard for sustainable growth and overall well-being, both within the organisation and the encompassing community it serves.

Yet, amidst these insights, the paramount revelation lies in the pivotal role of the assembled team in fostering success. As evidenced during my time at The Stove, it becomes evident that a fervent work culture is a product of the collective efforts of dedicated individuals.


Artist Commission Opportunity – Open Call

This is a partnership commission with WWT Caerlaverock, and Glengoyne

WWT Caerlaverock, with the support of The Stove Network, wishes to commission an artist(s) to lead a public art project at their site in Dumfries.

Funded through a partnership with Glengoyne Distillery, the aim of this commission is to bring the partnership to life through a reimagining of the Glengoyne Bird Hide, highlighting shared key themes.

Expected outcomes include a permanent art installation and a series of community / stakeholder engagement activities.

Project Idea

The key theme for the commission is of slowing down and taking time – aligned with both WWT’s aim to encourage visitors to lengthen their stay within the Glengoyne bird hide, allowing the time to settle into the landscape, and with Glengoyne’s theme of the joy of slow.

Additionally, the works should aim to increase a sense of inclusion and welcome to the hide, whilst taking consideration of practical aspects such as durability and weather resistance.

The commission should begin with a period of research and development, the artist(s) spending time with the hides and gaining a thorough understanding of the accessible requirements of the space and it’s user groups.

This can take place both onsite, and off site through engaging specific communities of interest, such as with young people and / or school groups, with support from WWT Caerlaverock, The Stove Network and Glengoyne.

The artist(s) would also be invited to Glengoyne Distillery to see their wetlands and immerse themselves in the Glengoyne story.

From this initial development, the artist(s) should develop a proposal to focus on one of three key areas, to be completed within the scope and budget of the project commission:

  • Visual impact of the space through art installation
  • Alternative seating emphasising comfort and settling in
  • Alternative forms of interpretation within the space


The visual art element could take several forms, including options for wall murals or wall mounted displays, free standing elements that occupy the centre of the Hide (currently under-utilised), or hanging from the ceiling.

Seating should consider accessibility and durability but could include bespoke finishes or seating covers, using materials and elements that create a more welcoming environment for spending longer periods of time within the hide. Sensory elements could be considered here, and their impact on the space’s adaptability for a wider range of visitors/space users.

The existing interpretation panels are outdated and could be re-designed or considered for younger audiences or with a more contemporary approach to information and local knowledge sharing.

Budget and Materials

The total budget available for this project is £4,000.

This should include all artist fees, materials VAT (where applicable ) and expenses. On agreement of final proposal with WWT, additional budget may be possible for delivery of final artwork.

Application Process

Please supply the following:

  • An outline of your approach to the project proposal (max. 500 words). If you would like to submit in another format such as video or audio file please get in touch as we are happy to accommodate accessibility requirements.
  • Three examples of your work
  • CV or similar outlining your experience to date

Your entire submission should not exceed 10MB and should be sent to by email to: [email protected] with the heading ‘Glengoyne Hide Art Commission‘.

All submissions will be reviewed by a panel before a shortlisted selection of applications that will be invited to interview. Interviews are expected to take place on 13th-14th May 2024.

Project Timeline

  • Open Call: 11th April – 5th May 2024
  • Application Deadline: 9am, 6th May 2024
  • Selection Process: 7th-15th May 2024
  • Project Start Date: Research and Development: End May 2024
  • Community Engagement Sessions: June/July 2024
  • Agreement with WWT on final artwork proposals: End of July 2024
  • Fabrication and Installation: August – September 2024
  • Project launch/unveiling: October 2024 (coinciding with The Wild Goose Festival)

About WWT Caerlaverock and Glengoyne

WWT are the wetland restoration charity working for wetlands across the UK and the world. By working together with people we unlock the power of wetlands – and help nature burst back to life. Wetlands have the potential to save species from extinction, tackle climate change and improve our lives but we’re losing them at a staggering rate. That is why WWT is on a mission to restore wetlands and unlock their power.

Wetlands teem with biodiversity. They’re part of the natural infrastructure, providing essential protection against climate change, floods, droughts and pollution. They’re also vital for our health and wellbeing.

Wetlands like WWT Caerlaverock are one of the world’s most biodiverse habitats. They provide homes for many endangered species, offer a lifeline for freshwater species and act as vital ‘service stations’ for millions of migratory birds to rest and refuel. Many endemic species are found only in specific wetland areas. About 40% of the world’s plants and animals depend on wetlands.

Set up 50 years ago WWT Caerlaverock is a 1400 acre nature reserve on the north edge of the Solway Firth. It is a special home in the winter for thousands of ducks, swans, geese and waders, and in the summer for dragonflies, moths, spectacular spreads of wildflowers and rare invertebrates.

Longstanding WWT partner, Glengoyne, is the first Scotch whisky distillery to build its own water treatment wetlands on-site. Like WWT, they are leading the way with their focus on slowing down – as Glengoyne is distilled more slowly than any other malt whisky. The Glengoyne bird hide is single room log cabin style bird hide built 25 years ago and sits on the edge of the goose pastures of the Eastpark farm part of the nature reserve. The name ‘Glengoyne’ is derived from ‘Glen Guin’ or ‘valley of the geese’, which works wonderfully as a namesake for the hide. It can be a good place to see the Caerlaverock speciality, flocks of barnacle geese, but WWT are working to bring more nature all year round closer to the hide and make it an even more rewarding nature-watching experience.  

Musings News Project Updates

Anne Waggot Knott in conversation with community artist, Maya Rose Edwards

Written by Anne Waggot Knott

In preparation for ‘Raise the Sails’, a community festival celebrating a new vision for Stranraer’s harbour area and marking the culmination of public art project, ‘Harbour’ by artist Maya Rose Edwards, I asked Maya to share some of their reflections on the project so far. 

Maya, you’ve embedded yourself so joyously and emphatically in the town. Talk to me about Stranraer’s incredible community.

Where do I start? They’re marvellous. They stick together in a very fundamental, tangible way, a result of living somewhere on the edge of things. But despite the wonderful togetherness I’ve also found pockets of futility – people have big ideas and are very impassioned, but there’s a shared sense of being on the wrong side of history. 

The younger generation faces real challenges and lack of opportunity. But, encouragingly, they have a vision of what the place could be, not blighted by what it was or hasn’t been. They’ve got an energy about them which is really exciting. Allowing space for young, positive voices is essential for community regeneration. 

Stranraer is a hub for a lot of surrounding villages. There’s a distinct rurality and sometimes a certain disconnection with the rest of Dumfries and Galloway. But this also generates pride and determination: “Stranraer is brilliant and we’ll make sure you know that, and if you don’t accept it we’ll keep it for ourselves.” Fine, and fair enough!

There are pockets of potential change; people with great ideas, inspiration, a lot of fight. People that show up, show an interest, are hardworking and inquisitive. The Urban Collective, the Men’s Shed, Stevie at the fishing shop, Vivienne at the Community Re-Use Shop, young people from the college. There are so many more… I feel like I’ve developed real, reciprocal relationships in the town, proper friendships. 

One thing that strikes me is that there are lots of people and organisations developing plans for the future, but they need to talk to each other. Hopefully I’ve started helping them make those connections. 

Your project brims with connectivity but also has a basis in activism and disruption. How can this light the touchpaper for change?

For a community with a historical legacy of being let down again and again, there’s only so much fight that they can conjure from within themselves. For me, the ability to make a mark in this respect was so important. 

The idea of occupying space, either with an artwork or your body, can generate change. Parts of Stranraer have suffered from the management of decline, but it’s happening so slowly that the locals sometimes miss it. Creating unexpected things to look at, things that catch your eye or that you can interact with, generates a strong shift in people. It’s my job to equip people with the tools to do that themselves, help them see that standing up for a change they want to see is always an option.

There’s something about being an outsider that makes this possible. Sometimes you need someone with a fresh perspective to come and say, how about we try this?

One of the biggest markers was when we spraypainted the Harbour wall mural. It kicked up some fuss, but it turned a dial. It generated conversation, which generated understanding, then finally an expectation about what’s coming next. It could have failed, but it didn’t. Tiptoeing around wasn’t going to work. I had to set an example that risky moves are ok. 

Risk is an important tool. When a community doesn’t feel in control there’s a sense of disempowerment. By choosing a risky action you choose the level of control for yourself rather than having it put upon you. It’s also a great way to get a big response from a lot of people and get the conversations started.

What are your project highlights?

The high points are unquestionably about bringing people together.  

The graffiti with the college kids, one of the very first things we did together. Their sense of pride was evident, marking a real moment of arrival. Similarly, we’ll be marking my departure with the festival in April. 

The Sea Witch sculpture day was great. Everyone brought different perspectives but a common purpose, which then flowed outwards into the community. Looking through the beachcombed objects was important in a cross-generational way – older people had memories about the pottery and plastic soldiers, young people recognised the vapes as part of their own history. The sea collects and spits out these stories, mixed and matched and collaged together – everyone’s past, present and future is there. Creating a character from those lost objects was a beautiful thing to see.

Making sails at The Hub was fabulous fun! We had people of all ages helping each other out. Kids that wouldn’t normally be in a room together. Older women who said art drop-ins should be prescribed on the NHS, that it’s like therapy. Tiny, naughty tots just running around painting themselves. We had a blast.

None of the above means anything without quiet moments though. Someone brings you a cuppa. The hello-in-Tesco moments. The guy in the chippie asking how the project is going. Like having a baker or a teacher, every town should have a community artist. Creativity has a huge impact on people and places. 

What have been your biggest challenges?

There have been just as many challenges as highlights! In simple terms, sometimes you just want to shake people who think change is impossible. That sense of futility being so ingrained, to the extent that it influences others too. Trying to unpick it has been a real challenge. But I also have a lot of respect and understanding for it.

At the very least, what seeds can I sow? I’m planting seeds in the middle of that knot of futility. But it’s a massive responsibility and has to be undertaken really carefully.

It’s also been hard to bring to attention things that people firmly don’t want to look at. That brings vulnerabilities. You can see these things very, very brightly when you come from elsewhere but dealing with them sensitively is often difficult. 

I see you working with other people’s vulnerabilities but in order to do that you need to make yourself vulnerable as an artist too, don’t you? It’s reciprocal.

Yes. You’ve got to expose bits of yourself too, so it’s an exchange. That’s how I’ve built trust and relationships. I really enjoy it and it’s integral to my practice. 

Stranraer is a community partly built on migration which is an interesting dynamic to work with. You have the embedded generational impacts over time and then you have people who come here and see it with fresh eyes as a great place to live. Once those people have a conversation with each other, possibilities emerge.  

The way the waterfront is cut off from the town by the road is a huge problem. You can’t just wander down to the waterfront, you have to actively cross several lanes of traffic. Those historical planning decisions have massive impacts when considering public spaces. 

Interestingly, not everybody sees themselves as a community of the sea; there’s also a challenge in the disconnect between the people who use the water and the people who use the land. Sometimes they don’t realise that they’re each other’s greatest asset and many of them want the same things. It’s like a glass wall, and nobody wants to be the one to make the first move. So there have been occasions when it’s my job to make the first move on behalf of everybody and nobody.

That’s interesting, can you expand on that a bit more?

For people originally from Stranraer, the water is a historically dangerous place due to sea waves from the ferries. It wasn’t always about having a good time and mucking about on the beach, it was a place of industry. Seeing people using it in a leisurely way, when first and foremost it’s a place for work, that grates. So there’s almost a moral judgement: you have the luxury of time to play around, but we need the water to make a living. I’ve come to understand that it can generate a bit of friction. 

There’s something exciting about the waterfront as common ground though, as the physical place for people to come together, because of its status in between. At the minute, aside from the working harbour, parts of it feel unexciting and inhospitable. People say, why would I want to occupy that middle ground, there’s nothing there? We need to change not only what we put in that space, but what it means to people and how it can reflect them. 

Let’s talk about Raise the Sails, the harbour festival on 20th April, the project finale.

It’s a free, daytime festival with food, live music and exciting activities for all ages, held at the Unexpected Garden on Saturday 20th April, 11am-2pm. There’s a very special event at 12 noon, so come down early!

I have a lot of hope for this, bringing people together. Stranraer has a long history of festivals – it’s a language the community speaks. It’ll be creatively out of the ordinary but really enjoyable, something people will remember. This is my final chance to plant a seed in those knots, and reach people I’ve missed. 

Food, music, activities for kids – we’re listening to the necessities then adding so much more. I’m hoping the legacy continues to unfold quite slowly over the coming months. That those seeds start to grow.

And finally, why should folk join us at Raise the Sails? 

For the sake of sheer nosiness, just pop down – you’re going to get a free meal! Be open to something you might not expect. It’s an opportunity to come together. And anyway, what else are you doing on a Saturday morning?!

See you there. Bring your hopes, dreams, friends, and family. We can raise the sails together. 

‘Raise The Sails’

A special community festival taking place in the Unexpected Garden, Stranraer

Saturday 20 April 

11am – 2pm

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