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Ferry Thorn

Ferry Thorn

Casting of the Creetown Bell

The Stove won an open competition for the commission to develop and produce a new piece of permanent artwork for the Galloway town of Creetown. The project began with a series of participative workshops around long distance communication and the history of the town as the base for a ferry running across the Cree River to Wigtown. In May 2013 a community event day was held at which 13 year old Evie Cloy won the competition to become the Town Crier for Creetown. Evie has now acheived worldwide fame as Britain’s Youngest Town Crier.

In June 2013 a new bell was cast in Creetown at a public workshop and this will form the centre piece of the new artwork..The final design for the new sculptural belltower to hang Creetown’s bell and fly the flags designed by residents has been approved by both the local community and the Planning Authority and was completed to much acclaim early in 2014

Ferry Thorn Gallery

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