SUBMERGE was an exhibition exploring Dumfries’ changing relationship with water; including discussion events, workshops and artist actions. Artists involved presented works in progress and research based explorations exploring land use, human relations with water, expedition, survival and spiritual connections with watercourses and use in and around Dumfries. SUBMERGE formed part of ArtCOP Scotland, a series of cultural events to coincide with the COP21 UN climate talks in Paris.
Submerge included the development of We Live With Water, a project led by The Stove imagining a future Dumfries as an adaptable town responsive to changing climate and town centre needs. SUBMERGE was supported by Creative Carbon Scotland and the Barfil Charitable Trust. Special thanks to the Dumfries Museum for the kind loan of images for the exhibition.
Artists involved: Kate Foster, Minty Donald and Nick Miller, Jan Hogarth and Sheila Pollock, Jen Wilcox, Uula Jero, Alan Cameron and Liam Patterson, Jo Hodges and Robbie Coleman.
SUBMERGE was inspired by the Environmental Arts Festival Scotland, a biannual event that in 2015 took place at Morton Castle, in Dumfries and Galloway. EAFS I 2015 was co-produced by The Stove Network, Wide Open and Robbie Coleman. For more details visit the website here
Photography: Sebastian Summers
Submerge Highlights