One of our standard ways of describing The Stove Network is that:
‘The Curatorial Team decide and deliver the artistic vision for The Stove Network – in this they are supported by a Board, who are responsible for governance and The Stove Network has a general membership of 110 people, ranging from contemporary artists to café-owners, to video artists and DJs.’
Whilst strictly accurate this does not even scratch the surface of how crucial the Board really are….they really are the ‘wise heads on young shoulders’ of The Stove midfield.
Everyone has been looking at ways to continue the momentum of collaborative working in the Board and between the Board and the Curatorial team. Some bright spark suggested an Away Day – where Board and CT could spend some quality time, find out what made each other tick and do some big thinking about The Stove Network…..this is what happened next:
We started by each talking about an object that inspires us or says something about who we are.
Things got even more arduous with a walk along the shore
Board and CT in ‘deep thought mode’
Board members admitted some disappointment when the menus turned out to be People’s Charters for Dumfries
Linda was uncharacteristically sceptical on the merits of Lada Four-Wheel Drive
The day was perfectly timed to help the final push before submission of our application for ‘Regular Funding’ ….loads of good ideas and shared vision for The Stove Network….that was described as more of movement than a business by one Board Member….bring it on!