Today our new friend and sign painting ninja Ciaran Glöbel led a group of Stove members in an inspirational workshop on the art of hand painted lettering.

There is a resurgence of interest in the traditional art of sign painting – this is partly because the sameness and ubiquity of computer generated plastic signage is wearing thin and partly because street artists (graffiti etc) are rediscovering the old arts of hand painted signage as a language for their work. Ciaran Glöbel is good example of this – he is a street artist who for the last two years has been making a living as a sign painter.
The day was rounded off with a public screening of ‘Sign Painters’ a movie which is a moving call to arms for artists to take to the streets and bring back the quality and originality of bespoke designed and hand made signage and street art.
‘I think every human being has the ability to alter their own environment with their bare hands.’ ……absolutely goddamn right!
Just imagine how different Dumfries High Street could look if all the independent traders had hand painted signage by local artists? #MakingDumfries
Thanks to Katie for organising everything and Ciaran for being so generous with his knowledge and having great banter