-tell us about your creative process-
I’m still trying to figure what my process is, I find I go from putting a bunch of things that inspire me together and taking out what catches my eye, I guess I take process as it comes, I go with my gut feeling more than anything.
-what drew you to the young stove?-
The upcoming artist event last summer, I was told about it from a friend and went, it was the first time if seen an artist-type event in DG so I was excited.
-which person do you most admire and why?-
Nicola sturgeon, I love Nicola, I love that she stands up for Scotland and that she’s really down to earth and isn’t superficial like most politicians.
-would you share 3 words you love?-
Buzzing, Kale, Biddy.
-share your hopes and dreams for the stove?-
I’m not sure, I’d really love to see it flourish through all of D+G and outside, id love to see the stove be more recognised here for what it does though.
-what’s something that you’ve found yourself enjoying that you never thought you would?-
Bingo, I hate numbers but my family all go every week so I’ve joined in the odd time and I’ve found it’s quite weirdly fun? Haha
-what film changed your life?-
I dunno if they’ve changed my life but maybe legally blonde? I love how Elle suddenly does really well and it’s quite motivating to watch haha
-what’s been the most exciting part of the stove process for you?-
Have to say parking space, I loved that event it was really really interesting
-what makes you feel alive?-
Midnight car journeys and going to new places
-what songs do you carry close to your heart?-
I’m on and off with songs, but I’d say ‘we bros’ by this group called WU LYF
-what’s your dream for the artists in D&G?-
To get more recognition, I feel DG has so much to offer in terms of artists
-who throughout history would you like to sit and have a good chat with?’-
Elizabeth the 1st maybe, I think she would a bit intimidating to talk to but I think she would be fascinating
-what instrument would you play if you could instantly master it-
The harp or when people make music from glass cups
-what would you consider your greatest achievement-
A 6 hour journey on a bumpy stagecoach bus carrying a box of delicate glass and none of it broke..hahaha
-where’s your favourite place to be in D&G?-
Portpatrick, it’s such a coastal town and it’s really idyllic and beautiful
-what’s your favourite piece you’ve produced?-
Creating a collection of glass vessels with glass artist Amanda Simmons, I’ve never had many opportunities like that and it really opened my eyes to what’s out there
-What five books do you think everyone should read?-
One flew over the cuckoos nest by Ken Kesey
The bell jar by Sylvia Plath
The Bfg by Dahl
The little stranger by Sarah waters
And the woman in black by Susan hill
-what makes you happiest?-
Travelling, car journeys the most but also train journeys
Good food
-tell us your passion?-
Most creative things, Art, not sure what specifically yet but definitely something within Art
The Young Stove’s first collective exhibition, Not to Be Sold Seperately will open at The Stove on Friday, 11th September and feature performance, live art, installation events as part of the exhibitions opening. More details about Not to Be Sold Seperately coming shortly.
Aged 16 to 30 and interested in the arts? Find out more about the Young Stove here