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Young Stove Member Profile: Sara Redden


What is your earliest memory?

My earliest memory was when I was 2 years old on holiday and my dad got me a fishing net. He convinced me that the plastic fish were real and I tried to eat them.

What drew you to The Stove?

I think what interested me most about the stove was the fact everyone is on the same team, it’s like one big family striving to make things better for everyone.

Which person do you most admire, and why?

I admire anyone who can go through a huge ordeal and still manage to smile at the end of the day.

What time of the day do you like most?

I love seeing the sunset, its so relaxing to see and I find the duller tone more calming.

Share your hope and dreams for The Stove?

I hope that the stove will continue to strive and be the main attraction of Dumfries and Galloway.

Sara’s work at the Mill on the Fleet during the Young Stove’s Not to be Sold Separately exhibition

What’s something that you found yourself enjoying that you never thought you would?

I walk a lot and am still able to love it.

Which film changed your life?

Ratatouille…I imagine all of the little rats of Dumfries cooking away whilst the chefs are distracted.

What keeps you in and around Dumfries?

The Stove and family

What’s been the most exciting part of the Stove Process for you?

Seeing the building come together and the development of the young stove.

What songs do you carry closest to your heart?

Blue Velvet, my dad always sang this to my mum.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

My daughter

Where’s your favourite place to be in D&G?

The stove

What makes you happiest?

Paintings that work out

Tell us your passion:

My art and my daughter Daisy


The Young Stove’s first collective exhibition, Not to Be Sold Seperately will open at The Stove on Friday, 11th September and feature performance, live art, installation events as part of the exhibitions opening. More details about Not to Be Sold Seperately coming shortly.

Aged 16 to 30 and interested in the arts? Find out more about the Young Stove here

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