Soap Box is Digital Hub created by The Stove Network. It’s both a free online content library, designed to support our online community, and a space allowing you to connect with people, converse and create new channels for discussive and collaborative learning.
If you’re a small businesses, a start-up, freelancer or just curious to find out more about the world of digital media, Soap Box is an accessible space that encourages collaboration and facilitates a democratic approach to learning. Providing a platform for professionals to share their knowledge and teach their best practices for success in their respective fields.
So, if you’re looking to up-skill or connect with industry insiders, get involved!
More than just a library, the assets you will find here were developed in live events alongside audiences, and will often include FAQs and accessible worksheets. You can learn more about graphic design, podcasting, crowdfunding, running digital events and much more.
As part of our ongoing programme, we’ll also be hosting regular events and meet-ups for anyone using these resources who might be interested in connecting with others doing the same.

So how do you get started? It’s easy. Just click on whatever skills you’d like to know more about and you’ll be taken to a skills page. Watching the video at the top of each one is a good place to start but you will also find other resources there.
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